Thursday, March 17, 2011

Good Mornings

Some days, L is extra cuddly and our goodbye hugs last a few seconds longer. Every day I drop him off at daycare, I kiss the top of his head and say, "I love you. Have a good day."

Most days, he takes his place at the breakfast table, then turns to me. He waves and says, "Bye, Momma," and blows me a kiss. If I'm lucky, I get an "Ah loo."

This morning he didn't want to break our hug. But then one of his good friends Ava called out from the breakfast table "Lucas!" (of course it sounds more like Goo-cas :0) .) She pulled out the chair next to her and pointed to it, saying "Lucas" over and over.

I don't know what it is, but these two little tots definitely have a special place in each other's hearts. These are the same babies that would crawl over to each other from across the room grinning from ear to ear when they were not even a year old.

Lucas sat in the chair next to Ava. I was just leaving the room, certain he had forgotten me already, when he looked up and I got my "Bye, Momma," wave, and kiss.

I love starting my days this way.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Little Moments

I admit I have terribly neglected this blog, but I am ready to get back on the bandwagon. I need to keep writing. For me.

I'm feeling refreshingly optimistic - likely due to the the promise of Spring around the corner and the joy I get from planning my son's (second) birthday party (there are few things I love as much as celebrating my son).

I'm starting to carve time out from my busy day to do little things for myself. Read a few chapters of a book. Do a quick 15-minute exercise. Take the time to sit down and write a few things out.

And the more I've thought about my blog (and how I don't want to be a terribly boring blogger), the more I've realized this blog is about me and my family. And though our life is very ordinary, it is filled with beautiful little moments. These are the little things I want to focus on so that many years down the road, I will have a beautiful collection of memories to look back on.

I am going to start right now with a short and sweet phrase my son says that never fails to make my heart melt: "Ah loo" (I love you).